Stroke Association of Southern California
PO Box 2098, Santa Monica, CA 90406
Donations to the Stroke Association of Southern California
- So we may acknowledge your donation, first enter your name and contact information as the donor, then identify who you would like to inform of your gift, next click the submit button to send us the form, and finally go to PayPal to complete the donation process.
- If you wish to donate by credit card, please use the PayPal link at the bottom of the form.
- If you prefer to make your donation by check, please complete this form, click the submit button below, and then mail your check to the address above.
- Thank you very much for your gift. It will be used to provide direct prevention and recovery services through education, personal support and advocacy in the community.
- The Stroke Association of Southern California is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible within IRS regulations. Tax ID # 95-28096
Donor identification:
We want to send you personal acknowledgment of your gift, so please give us your contact information. (* = required fields)
2. After you have submitted the form, to pay by credit card, please click the donate button below and complete the donation process.
3. Thank you very much for your donation to the Stroke Association of Southern California.